Gamindustri Riot

This is a game that I've been working on since 2015. Originally as the "first ever" Neptunia fangame, this game takes the classic 8-bit/16-bit style and inspiration from various beat-em-up games such as Double Dragon, River City Ransom and Streets of Rage.


After past failures, the remaining members of ASIC have thought of a new plan to resurrect their goddess Arfoire: create a super army from another dimension. With all the troops from different dimensions rejecting the offer, only one has accepted to join forces: The Netherworld!

They have agreed that if they defeat the 4 goddesses and the candidates, they will give them what they want.

Now it's up to the CPUs to stop ASIC's new super army of demons (and Prinnies, dood!) and bring peace back to Gamindustri!


*May not reflect the final product.


Around 50%


Cancelled (see why here)